Zune 13 Family..
Thursday, May 21
this is my first call center wave family.. MS Zune 13 :)
we have been disbonded due to different reasons, but our friendship remains unfaded..
let me introduce them to you..
see the smiles? haha.. we're not complete there. i am the one wearing yellow.
the girl beside me is jung, our technical foundation trainer.. I have a BIG crush on her.. haha (hey, i'm not a lesbo, ok? haha )
our friend edited our picture >>
hahahahaha ..
here's the only picture that me and my boyfriend is next to each other.. when this picture was taken, we were not yet going out.yiii.. why does he always to make that hand gesture? GRR.. (haha.. )
we have pictures that we are together, though. but it's on our outlook in the company. can't transfer it to my mail.. :(
during our training then, we go out during dawn riding the bikes of my friends.. here's our insane pictures.. haha
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