realizations and being happy
Thursday, January 22
Proverbs 16:9
A man’s heart plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.
– this is the passage shared to me by my new 18-year old royal sister ( who had her birhday yesterday jan 21 ) , princess faye.
it is for me to be consoled with the pain of my mistakes and for me to be guided with my next decisions. thanks princess! ^.^
I miss this word, rejuvination. haha. it means reversal of aging, being young. i miss those days of being a kid, being carefree and innocent of the problems of the world. it is the time when you build endless dreams and talk of every impossibility as a simple task.the magic of childhood, whew.
well, eventhough i am experiencing problems, i always tell myself that papa G loves me soOo, sooOO much..
He trusts in me, knowing that I could always fight off all these battles and stand like Queen Elizabeth.. (haha. eew, not Pacquiao’s daughter, the virgin queen’s what i’m talking about.) i just do hope i am getting near His expectations of me. hmm. my friends ARE always at my back to support me, even though they are growing very furious with my recent academic decisions. hahaha
alam mo i’ll tell you something. you are very lucky and someone to be envied. alam mo bakit? kasi of all people, you have the most opportunity to grow and to be stronger.
–these are words from my kua, kua james. we met years ago in theatre, and he knows a lot of my struggles and emotionalities in life.. (is there such a word as ‘emotionalities’? haha.. ) he once told me that no one could advise me, because whatever people around tell me, i’ll stll stick to my decision. hahaha the smart brother knows when his lil sis is stubborn.. whaha..
i feel very light tonight. princess faye is one of the reasons. i have another girl sibling who loves rock,too. yeah!:)
another, because im again starting to realize that there is something special in me. i mean, my heart was really down because of the failures i had in school. but i’m beginning to realize that there might be still some light, right? there is still a lot out there. i must not give up! smile, smile.
whew.. after this blog entry, i look forward to achieving something better, always. i do hope i can.
God knows best.
And this girl here prays to be guided towards that best.
GODbless the United States. (haha, Obama) and GODBLESS the whole world. ciao!
post script.
i miss my love advocacy. haha one of these days, i will start my love campaign. i think i’m motivated to possibilities and positivities of life because of love. hahaha (hapee)
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