myself talking to myself  

Saturday, May 29

time is something that you should not mess with it. On top of feelings, racism, sexism and all biases of humankind. time, unlike price of persia creatively illustrates, cannot be turned back . and this is my alter ego telling to myself to come to my senses and give importance to those that you cannot lose. you know, this includes people, love ones, ideals and yourself.

what i learned, is that it is VERY easy to give in to all the negatives. it's like nicotine and tar (well this is based on books and all sciences i took since elementary, i never am a smoker myself), you cant let go of it unless you are forced to because it has already damaged your system.

so take time, and grab time while we can.


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what I put in my mind subconsciosly affects me  

Tuesday, April 27

you see, even if I don't recognize some of my feelings, I still get lonely..


Back to the real world..

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they come, they go..  

Wednesday, April 21

some people just come and go..

(subsconsious sadness)

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Queen of Eyebags  

Sunday, April 18

launching my love project...
visit :)

excited :)

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ideas.. (what I get from watching movies)  

Thursday, April 15

Is there any woman in the world who does not want to be wed to his so loved man, while wearing her so loved WEDDING GOWN? haha (what movies can put to your mind). I just watched Bridal Wars, and it gave me mixed feelings --- missing my super close friend, longing for love and some family-related feelings that I don't even understand and wouldn't want to understand.

geesh.. weddings.. vera wang dresses.. will I ever get to wear you? haha

and together with another movie that I was also able to watch, I think I will be making a blog project,too. ( inspired by Julia & Julie). Not about food though, but about LOVE. (what more do you expect from my mind?haha like I could never have enough room for love ideas, thug.thug.thug.hahaha)It will be a separate blog though. (I'm excited.haha) I'll introduce it here, don't you worry. And for those who read my facebook notes, well actually these posts are posted on my blog, originally posted there, and are just linked to FB. enjoy . ;)

signing out!

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gush of abhor.. (mild)  

Tuesday, April 13

i hate hating people. not that i hate you. it's just that i don't like you. and i hate to hate you because i might be hurting one of the best people i have for a friend. (geesh. irritating!)

love is not suppose to be covered with all your child like attitude. and PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. stop trying to worsen things. love the right way.


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the bleak ending  

Saturday, April 3

i still love you..

and that love makes me a coward.. to just follow whatever you want, though it meant breaking my world.. now ive got to create another start..

vague reasons..
vague emotions..
vague thoughts..

hate it.,

and all this broken pieces wouldn't matter anymore. because now there wouldn' t be ANY confusions. the line has been drawn. this is the path that we take. . a clear and guiltless flight for you.. a dark and painful one for me..

i love you. and i cant fight this feeling anymore. yet, with all those words, i think i just forgot what i'm trying to fight for.. a meaningless feat..

my heart will wander..
not for a new one..

just wander..


start to breath again (i no longer breath color.....)

this is my ending..
bleak ending...

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when you just can't think of anything to write about.. and the title seem to be more understandable than it's content..  


You claim you still care for me
But your heart and soul needs to be free
now that you've got your freedom
You wanna still hold on to me
You don't want me for yourself
So let me find somebody else

'coz you don't really love me
You just keep me hangin'on


those are just lyrics sung by quinn in glee.. well, don't know if it's connected with my mood right now. (i'll leave you something to think about..

(deep breath)

hmmm.. i though I could post right now..
guess not


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when you follow the beatings of what they call "heart"..  

Monday, March 22

sometimes it could be so wrong..
and it's up to you on how to make things right...
-- rachel, to herself (silence)

posting myself in something I would never wear in public.. (haha.. i'm not that girl. swear to heavens!)

well at the other side of the world, i'm happy with who I am. the weird and happy me.

---outta here--

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one straight road  

Monday, March 15

Oh it's taking so long
I could be wrong, I could be ready
Oh but if I take my heart's advice
I should assume it's still unsteady
I am in repair


when you are confused between friendship or love, would you see the line that separates them? guess not..


All the sweetness served my heart with reasons to awaken. Yet now I'm leaving. Let me just forget that I was inclined to like you. and like you more than I can like you. and then I can just treat you as my treasured friend. No complications. No confusions. No lines to break. One straight road.

(take calls)

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talking to myself  

Wednesday, March 10

out of my so many everyday thoughts, i think you are the one dominant..

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random enthusiasm. haha  

(a tune playing in my mind.. "why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends".. was sang in bridge to terabithia..)

do you know what's worth doing in life?
only the thing that you're passionate of :)

i am just in a state of nostalgia.. kept thinking of randon reasons why I am happy right at this moment..

anyway, for the purposes of looking back, i'll be posting pictures I got from them..

this is team lee -- dark angels.. my teammates from my work place., they certainly are one of the newest reasons of my happiness. can't leave work because of them..

this is us -- reybee, edward and alice, panget, whatever you call us.. hmm.. (silence) eternal sibs.. (smiles)

this is TG -- old mems :) guy next to me in white is bunsoy, gurl kneeling in front holding sonething blue is blest.. TG, always my refuge, no matter where and what i'm going through.. haha (drama)

this is yhin (with keith, haha) -- my counterpart, my better half (hmm, as friends syempre,haha) :( missing her soooo badly..

this is jbark.. forever friends. look at our pictures.. you'll know we're crazy together just by the looks of us..

this is tol.. -- one of my dearest at my workplace.. miss her..

well, my life couldn't be summed up by these pictures or any pictures for that matter.
looking forward to updating my blog frequently.. (well since i mostly spend my extra time reading, texting or sleeping, watching movies, i cannot promise,haha)

(sudden shift of thought)

i gave myself til february this year. that i'll meet him..
hmm.. i don't know if I really met him..
signs.. attraction.. gravity.. energy.. hahaha

oh well, life..

(song in my mind still playing, why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends, haha)

life is meant to be fun. what with all those apocalypses predictions (plase don't take this as an offense for all the religins out there) and sad world moments, life is supposed to still give us a reason to stay smiling. well guess I'm really lucky when it comes to that part.i always get the best people around me..

dark angels..
less than 3..

whew, like i can never thank Papa enough for all of these..
glad i'm favored :)

all of us, let's declare happiness!Ü

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