jammed thoughts  

Tuesday, February 17

right now, i can think of so many things that i want and need to do, and i'm starting to feel uneasy. well, it's pressure that i want right? haha.. not really.. i just want a clear direction..

i just went to systems plus computer foundation. i had a feeling this morning while i am praying (my instinct told me) to go and get an accountancy curriculum of the school. i just did that, and i also inquired about transferring and 5th year accountancy stuffs. i now have the school's curriculum and even the school handbook. i also went around the school for a few minutes, just to get a look at its environment. it's quiet there (but that is maybe i did not see a lot of students. holy angel university looks way better that it, yet that fact doesn't matter much to me. why would it be? ( well, unless the place's full of gross creatures and things) what matters to me are the people whom i am going to be with during my study at the school. if you are wondering why in the world am i planning to transfer? guess what? i may be having the urge of continuing my CPA dream. if i will transfer, i am going to take (again? whew, haha) all my accounting and law subjects with grades 2.25 and below. WaAaa.. i haven't given my grades much attention since the first time i failed to belong to the dean's list. and those are 11 subjects.. (oh, c'mon! i'm taking all of those again?) plus i think i need to take those two foreign language courses, and a humanities subject. is that a lot? a big YES. but if i really decide to pursue the accounting board exams path, i really need to transfer ASAP. here are some of the reasons:

-i am disqualified for accountancy in HAU (so, i really need to pick up a new school, or try to graduate, or start the call-center life or loaf forever. well. the first option is the best so far)

-if i am transferring to systems plus and retake accounting and law courses, i better take the next majors at that school. i can't expect myself to fininsh the rest of my fourth year majors at HAU and expect 2 from the monster accounting teachers. that would really be a miracle. (i mean, it's not an underestimate of my abilities, it's just a prophecy from years of evaluated holy angel accountancy experience.)

-i'm wasting money which doesn't come from my own perspiration because of failing my subjects

-i'm finding it hard to picture myself in a class with the lower years studes

well, i must weigh all my options, pray sincerely for guidance on my judgment, and ACT.

Godbless me.. hahaha

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